Anniversary Party Planning

Who to invite
25th, 40th and 50th Anniversary parties celebrate the life of the couple. You can invite any one who's lives they have touched. Anniversary parties vary from small and intimate parties at home to large catered events held at restaurants, hotels or reception halls. What ever the size, make it special and meaningful for the anniversary couple with personal touches.
Invitation Ideas
Photo anniversary invitations are popular, using the original wedding photo. If the wedding photo is not available, we can make you a custom anniversary invitation with a year wreath on our fanfare design. We can also create your card with a current photo.
To make the evening more fun, we suggest you ask each guest to bring something to add to a scrapbook for the couple... a story, memory or token from their past. Simply note your request with the invitation. You can assemble these into the book before the event or collect them at the anniversary party.
Be sure to think up a special toast for the anniversary couple, and ask others to share stories and toasts, too. You may want to ask important friends to prepare a toast to honor the anniversary couple.
Decoration Ideas
Gold rules for 50th Anniversaries; Silver for 25th Anniversaries. Try picking up the gold or silver anniversary theme with accents in the china, flatware, linens, crystal, and napkin holders or ribbons or beads tied around the napkins. It is easy to add a matching touch with gold or silver tone candlesticks or votives. Scatter gold or silver picture frames holding photos of the couple, and/or use small matching frames as place holders or party favors. You can use gold or silver ink on placecards, and gold or silver doilies or runners on the tables.
An alternate, if desired, is to use the colors from the original wedding. What was their color scheme? Aqua and white? Pink? Yellow? Since retro colors are in now, you could have a lot of fun with this.
Play music from the couple's dating years, as well as the first decades together. Find out "their song" and perhaps some songs they loved back then.

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