Researchers are studying a method for the prevention of sun eating tablets medical

Exciting news for all of the times loves to spend long in the sun, has approached the British researchers of medical innovation drive provides high protection and long-term risk of ultraviolet radiation, and that depending on the vehicles they had extracted from the coral shores of Australia.In order to a team of researchers from the University of "Kings" in London, the great coral reef in Australia to uncover the genetic and biochemical facts behind the coral's ability to protect itself from ultraviolet rays of the sun.
After examining samples of the single "Okrobora" threatened with extinction, the researchers were able to identify the basic components responsible for providing protection, they are in the process of copying genetic code used by the coral to produce protective materials and then transplanted into bacteria in the laboratory with the capacity to multiply and produce large quantities of these compounds .
He promised that the researchers tested the protective materials on humans very soon, but in the early stages will use those materials for the production of ointments and then move on to the production of cereals provide a very high protection to the extent that a single grain may provide protection for a whole week.
And it seems, is mainly due to the algae that live on coral, they are transported to the Coral basic materials, which turns coral, in turn, materials and protective, and except for the creation of ointments and medicines, protects humans from UV rays, for this research other objectives are devising ways lead to the development of sustainable agriculture in developing countries can withstand the harsh tropical sun.

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